August Wrap Up 2021
Hello everyone! I have been a very busy bee recently with some very exciting things in the works so I haven’t really had time to do a lot on my blog recently. I keep saying I’m coming back and going to post regularly and then this goes out the window. However, I am so close to finishing my Goodreads reading challenge, this would be the first year I will actually finish it! I only have two books left to read which is very exciting.
It was blog tours galore last month and I’m pretty sure I don’t have any in September so I am having a nice month of getting through my TBR. On to my August wrap up anyway to see everything I read last month and what I have planned this month!
August Books
As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson
I could not have asked for a better ending to the A Good Gir’s Guide to Murder trilogy. I was in awe with this book from start to finish, there are so many unexpected twists and shocking moments that I just loved. The fact that As Good as Dead is a bit darker than the other two books, made me love this even more. If you love a good murder mystery/thriller and haven’t read this series already then you need to! Read my review here if you need more convincing.
Blog Tour: Wicked Little Deeds by Kat Ellis
Wicked Little Deeds is a book I went into without knowing a lot about it and has probably been one of my favourite reads of the year. I loved how mysterious it was and the supernatural twist made it even better. I read this so quickly and I really wish I could forget what happened and read it again. Read my full review here to see more!
Blog Tour: The Other Side of the Whale Road by K.A. Hayton
The Other Side of the Whale Road is such a unique and fun middle-grade fantasy based around time travel. I thought the descriptions and the characters were all fantastic, It really felt like I had been transported through time. I definitely recommend this one if you are looking for a quick, easy and super fun read. Here’s my review to convince you further.
Blog Tour: The Meeting Point by Olivia Lara
After reading a lot of fantasy and mystery/thrillers, I was very excited to join the blog tour for The meeting Point. This was a super cute and very well written romance. I loved it from start to finish and just couldn’t put it down. It really reminded me of The Flat Share by Beth O’Leary so pick this up if you are a fan of her! You can read my review for The Meeting Point here.
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Blog Tour: Fireborn by Aisling Fowler
This is another book that absolutely blew me away with the amazing writing description and pure magically adventure the reader is taken on throughout this book. This is another one that you really need to read if you love middle-grade fantasies with great adventure and lovable characters.
Blog Tour: Lies Like Wildfire by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
I really did have quite a few blog tours to get through recently and this is another great mystery/thriller. This was such an interesting yet very shocking read, I loved how descriptive the book was especially during the beginning explaining the destruction of the wildfire. You really do get pulled into all the havoc and mystery that occurs. Read my full review here!
Buddy Read: Changeling by Matt Wesolowski
I didn’t quite manage to keep up to date with this buddy read as I had so much going on last month but I have finally finished the third book in the six stories series. I think this has to be my favourite so far because of the supernatural approach it has and also that twist at the end completely got me.
September TBR
Buddy Read: Beast by Matt Wesolowski
I can’t wait to start the fourth book of the six stories series. I’ve already heard really good things about this one and I’m super intrigued to see if it lives up to my expectations because I enjoyed the other three so much. I think I am already behind the first week of the buddy read so I really need to catch up before I get too behind.
Buddy Read: Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
I’ve already read the first part of this for my buddy read and I’m finding it so hard to put down. This is definitely a book I would be able to read in one sitting if we didn’t have weekly chats. It’s completely addicting already and I can’t get enough of the special gifts, different places and the whole concept of the prince choosing eleven people for his council out of so many. I want to find out now if she can resist the evil curse inside of her or if she does kill the prince, but I’m sure I am going to have to wait till the end of the book for that.
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
I am so determined to finish this book this month. It kind of got pushed to the side because of all the blog tours I’ve had but It will be finished this month, hopefully…
There is my August wrap up that consist of many many blog tours. Let me know if you had a favourite book in August and which book you’re most excited to read this month!
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